Neville's Cross Primary School & Nursery

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Volunteering at Neville's Cross

At Neville's Cross we are always keen to work with parents, carers, family members and wider parts of the community. We very much appreciate the wealth of expertise and support that our school community has to offer. 


There are a number of ways in which you can volunteer to help in school for example: helping out on school trips, supporting our careers education programme, enhancing our school curriculum with workshops or visits and by listening to readers. 

Careers Education

We are currently developing our careers education programme and successfully hosted a Careers Week in January 2024. We were very grateful to have parents and ex-pupils visit school to lead in workshops and assemblies linked to their careers. The children found this extremely inspiring to hear about the wide range of jobs in a football club, jobs in engineering, software development and to hear from doctors, dentists and the police. 


If you would be interested in sharing the work that you do with our children, please contact Mrs Banks - we would really love to hear from you! 

Volunteer Readers

At Neville's Cross, reading is of prime importance. We know that it boosts children's self-esteem, helps them access the curriculum and is a vital life skill. To support our children in becoming confident, fluent readers we know that this takes lots of practice! As such, we really appreciate offers of help to come into school and to listen to children read. We ask that you can commit to a regular session each week, e.g. an hour or two in the morning or afternoon to listen to our target readers. In return, we offer enthusiastic children who will love to spend time with you and we guarantee that you will find the process very rewarding. 


To support you in carrying out your volunteer role, an induction into school processes, including safeguarding and the need for confidentiality will be provided. Training linked to our approach to the teaching of reading and the role of volunteer can be accessed via the handbook and videos below. 


If you are interested in listening to children read on a regular basis, please contact Mrs Banks. We can be flexible about times but really do appreciate your support!