Neville's Cross Primary School & Nursery

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Lindisfarne, Warkworth and Bamburgh

Welcome to Lindisfarne, Warkworth and Bamburgh Classes. Here you will find updates about what is happening for our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils. 

Key Information


This year you will be taught by Mrs Oxnard (Warkworth), Miss Lawson (Lindisfarne) and Miss Harrison (Bamburgh). Mrs Young teaches in Lindisfarne on a Tuesday and in Warkworth on a Thursday.

Meet the Teacher and Class Information meetings



Class Newsletters

Warkworth newsletter April 24.pdf

Lindisfarne Newsletter Summer 1 2024

Bamburgh newsletter Summer 1 2024.pdf


Howtown July 2024

Howtown information evening.pdf



Learning Overviews

This document outlines the topics covered across the foundation subjects this academic year. Further details about the curriculum and the content taught can be found in the Curriculum pages of our website.


UKS2 Learning Expectations

Please see the booklets below which outline the key expectations that children should achieve by the end of Year 1 and Year 2. These booklets include suggestions of the ways in which you can support your child at home.




KS2 SATS Information

If you were unable to attend the KS2 SATS evening, you can find the slides below.

Y6 SATS information evening 2024.pdf

Useful information

Year 5 & 6 PE Days

Warkworth Lindisfarne Bamburgh
PE Days







  • Please always send your child with a coat suitable for the weather. 
  • Please send a named water bottle each day, clean and filled with water. 
  • Please, please name all of your child’s clothes, especially their jumpers and PE kit! 
  • As it is the summer term, a sun hat and sun cream will also be needed in school.

Supporting your child’s learning at home

We know how important it is to practise our learning both in school and at home. To find out more information about our approach to homework and links to the various platforms we use for reading, spelling and mathematics, please refer to our Homework and Home Learning page. If you need help with login details for any of these, please contact your child’s class teacher via the class email address.

If you are looking for recommendations of books to read and new authors to discover, take a look at our Reading Bucket Lists for 100 Recommended Reads for Year 5 and Year 6:



2023-2024 Our year so far…